Friday 26 December 2014

Kieren Kong(威全): Internship Week

Christmas just passed by yesterday, and it was a meaningful time of reflection about Christ's works for us. I attended my Christmas service on the 24th night and was greatly blessed by the carolling, skit and message. What really spoke to me from Pastor Edmund's sermon (ARPC) was Christ's love on the cross for us and the illustration he used. This illustration, from Kierkegaard, beautifully demonstrates Philippians 2 and how Christ humbled himself to be a man and made himself nothing, to death on a cross.

In italics is the illustration used for your humble pondering. (skip if it's too long)

Soren Kierkegaard: A Christmas Parable
There once was a king who loved a humble maiden. This king was of uncommon royal lineage. He was a king above kings, with power and might to make all others humble before him. Statesmen trembled at his pronouncements. None dared breathe a word against him, for he had the strength to crush all who opposed him. The wealth of his holdings was unfathomable. Tribute arrived on a daily basis from lesser kings who hoped to gain his favor.
And yet this mighty king was melted by love for a humble maiden who lived in the poorest village in his vast kingdom. He longed to go to this maiden and announce his love for her, but here arose the king’s dilemma: how to declare his love? Certainly, he could appear before her resplendent in his royal robes and surrounded with the Royal Guard, ready to carry her away in a carriage inlaid with gold and precious stones. He could bring her to the palace and crown her head with jewels and clothe her in the finest silks. She would surely not resist this type of proposal, for no one dared to resist the king.
But would she love him?
She might say she loved him. She might be awed by his royal splendor and tremble at the thought of being blessed with such an amazing opportunity. She might tell herself that she would be foolish to reject such a marriage proposal. But would she love him, or would she go through the motions all the while living a life of empty duty, nursing a private grief for the life she had left behind? Would she love him or regret the moment of being face to face with the overwhelming grandure of the king?
Or would she be happy at his side, loving him for himself and not for his title or riches or power?
He did not want a wife who behaved as a subject to his royal decrees, cringing at his word and unwilling to do anything but agree with all he said and did. Instead, he wanted an equal, a queen whose love knew no restrictions or limitations. He wanted an equal whose voice would speak to him at all times without hesitation. Love with his beloved maiden must mean equality with her. He wanted a relationship with the woman that had neither barriers nor walls in which he was not a king and she was not a poor subject of the crown. The love shared between them would cross the chasm that threatened to keep them apart, bringing the king and peasant together and making the unequal equal. In short, he wanted the maiden to love him for himself and not for any other reason.
He had to find a way to win the maiden’s love without overwhelming her and without destroying her free will to choose. The king realized that to win the maiden’s love, he had only one choice. He had to become like her, without power or riches and without the title of king. Only then would she be able to see him simply for who he was and not for what his position made him. He had to become her equal, and to do this he must leave all that he had.
And so one night, after all within the castle were asleep, he laid aside his golden crown and removed his rings of state. He took off his royal robes of silk and linen and redressed himself in the common clothes of the poorest of the kingdom. Leaving by way of the servant’s entrance, the king left his crown, his castle, and his kingdom behind. As the next day’s sun rose in the east, the maiden emerged from her humble cottage to find herself face to face with a stranger, a common man with kindly eyes who requested an opportunity to speak with her and, in time, to court her for her hand in marriage.

The readings given by John D Hannah on "How do we glorify God?" was immensely enlightening for me and blessed me greatly. 

The readings was a crystal clear explanation of God's end for man (God himself) and what that meant for us. It was also priceless in helping me situated myself in the time period that we are living in now in the world and how we got to this part. The enlightenment ushered in the modern era which emphasised reason and human perfectibility - an introspective transformation of the human culture. Thankfully, the reformers saw the fallacies in such a way of thinking and fought against the corrupt church. They came up with the 5 sola's: Sola scripture, sola gracia, sola fide, solo Christo and soli del gloria! These principles I now hold dear in this postmodern age, where everything seems to be relative and meaningless and men are more inward looking than ever before. The readings taught me to desire for God to shine through me, that he may be glorified above all else and that I might live my life (work, leisure and all else) with a desire to reflect his glory.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Justin Choy (裕民): Internship Week 3 Tuesday (with additional days of week 3)

Christmas week! This week started off rather smoothly with meet-ups I had with my friends to practice for caroling at an elder's house. Through the week I was able to share Christ with one of my 2nd generation christian friend through the carols and practice sessions. Although the practices seemed rather rushed and hectic, we were blessed to have been able to perform both silent night and O holy night accapella, and lead the other adults in a time of caroling and worship.

(My group of friends with the 2nd gen Christian on extreeme left)

Christmas(eve) dinner
Today(Wednesday) also continued with much preparation in the kitchen with my mother and sister preparing for the annual Christmas eve dinner we'd celebrate as a family. Also, I had planned to interview my church pastor earlier but he was busy so I stayed home to help out in the kitchen instead. It was a rather hot and sweaty day in the kitchen but later that night everyone enjoyed a myriad of delectable Christmas dishes to choose from.




Other events(Church singing grp and my reading and research)
I was able to utilize last Sunday's lunch with the juniors of my youth fellowship group to seek their opinions on facets of our youth system that could be improved on. After much discussion over mealtime, it also came to my attention that fellowship through more camps and outings could serve to be helpful in keeping their friendships closely knitted, as well as bringing those who are less sociable, into existing circles of friends. After which, I attended the Church's "Believers" singing group as we prepared our song item for the Christmas service.

My friends in the Believers

Through the week, i have also learned more about Christ centeredness through my daily devotions and readings (Glorify God). What hit me especially hard through the readings was the importance of the five Solas'; Scripture; Christ; Grace; Faith; Glory to God. It has been a rather hectic week for me and probably everyone else (especially the pastors, who were unavailable to be interviewed). To the people reading this, I wish you a blessed Christmas and happy new year! 

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Jolene (姿伶) : 24th December

My first day of internship after my return from Taiwan and it was accompanied by the realisation that I had a lot of things to catch up on. Like all the other interns from Providence Presbyterian Church, I am scheduled to go on a mission trip on Christmas day, so I spent this day practicing the worship, songs and the dance for the trip, getting updated on the activities for the trip. Today as well, was mostly spent in preparation for the mission trip.
In brief, I practiced leading worship for the entire half day (courtesy of it being Christmas eve). In detail, Ting Han treated us to a Burger King meal, we fooled around in between hymns, sang random Chinese songs (both old and new) after our practice ended, played the cajon, fought to play the cajon and more. It has been fun bonding with everyone again after being gone for a week.
My day ended with a youth fellowship Christmas eve event and the candlelight service.
Lastly, I apologise for the lack of photos in this post.

Friday 19 December 2014

Jia Le(佳乐):黎明新春福音队筹备工作

19/12/2014 是我们黎明新春福音队筹备工作的日子。当天早上大家都聚集在west mall广场吃早餐和购买一些所需的工具。过后大家都前往Bukit Batok PPC开始当天需要完成的任务。任务包括完成powerpoint slides, 制作短剧的道具,诗歌彩排等。

秀美和挺翰在做powerpoint slides。 Ceyi在制作短剧的道具。
Ting Han(left), Ceyi(middle), Xiumei(right) 
Ting Han(left), Zhijia(middle), Xiumei(right)
Gideon在辅助Zhi Jia
Zhi Jia(left), Gideon(right)


Thursday 18 December 2014

Xiu Li (秀丽): 当我们同心合一








Wednesday 17 December 2014

Foo Sek Yee (策义): Internship Week 2 Wednesday

To start the day off, today would be one of the best praise and worship session I have ever been part of in my entire life. This was all thanks to Joseph, Kieren and Justin. The worship team did their best to synchronize with each other to make the entire worship a perfect one, not to mention Justin's awesome guitar skills and Joseph's drumming. I am really  thankful that I am in this internship with a group of youths that are so talented in each  of their own aspects.

Today was the last day that Brother Keet Keong was with us to provide us with training for the mission trip. First of all, I would like to thank Brother Keet Keong for taking the time off his busy schedule to give us talks to improve our ability to serve people from less fortunate countries, to spread the gospel to them and tell them more about our all loving God.

Discussion on Conflict

Although everyone was a little drowsy after an awesome lunch, the discussion was certainly a fruitful one. I really learnt a lot from the discussion, about Sinful conflict and Godly conflict. On how sinful conflict is an expression of a sinful heart, and as Christians, we are called to use conflict an a redemptive opportunity to bring ourselves and others to God. The four main questions we have to ask ourselves during conflict is: 1)What do I want right now more than Christ and how am I acting to get it. 2)What specifically do I need to repent of? Where do i need to ask for grace? What has hijacked my heart and what do I need to see and believe about Christ? 3)What is your experience as you enter into conflict with me right now? (if you were the other party) Is it a good experience or a bad one? 4)What will it look like to wisely love the person in conflict with me? Will I warn, encourage, or help?

Birthday Celebration for Joseph

As it was Joseph's birthday today, we went to Swenson's to have ice cream as celebration. However, what turned out to be an innocent birthday treat by Gideon turned into a fruitful discussion about our personal ministry projects and then into a discussion about some of the problems that our churches had. I feel thankful that God has nurtured so many young, passionate youths with fires of passion burning brightly in their hearts. I hope that these passionate youths will continue serving with avid hearts and make positive changes in their churches through their personal ministry projects and through the many other things they will do in the future. 

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Ting Han(挺瀚): 早晨灵修 + 福音训练



Justin , Kieran,CeYi,Jos

敬拜过后,我们和 Keet 弟兄学习什么是基督徒使命的根基           

首先我们从中学习到筹备是一个很重要的一个部分如果我们要顺利的完成和进行我们的短宣。就像 Keet 弟兄所说的,我们宁愿过度的准备因为在那必须灵机一动的时刻,我们至少还有能依靠的一些节目或游戏。

不仅如此,我们还学到一个很好的功课。我们传讲的不是我们的习俗或做法而是上帝的命令和耶稣的救恩。 当我们出外国的时候,我们必须对外国的习俗特别敏感。因为我们不想一些的误解而失去传讲福音的机会。





Friday 12 December 2014

Courtney (林立): 长老会社区服务-恩泽堂圣诞嘉年华会!

今天是长老会社区服务Presbyterian Community Services (PCS) 与恩泽堂首联合举办的嘉年华会,对象是长老会社区服务学前学后托管中心(PCS Student Care Centre) 和恩泽关怀机构 Providence Care Limited (PCL) 小一至六 的学生。嘉年华会的目标就是让这些孩子们知道圣诞节的真正含义,那就是我们主耶稣的降生。因为我们不能直接跟他们传福音,所以我们就举办不同的游戏和表演节目,以这些方式让他们知道圣诞节的真正含义。今天大概有70位孩子参加。



这是姿伶设计的游戏,花了不少心血,非常有创意! 孩子们也非常喜欢她的游戏。







Thursday 11 December 2014

Xiu Mei (秀美): 初访长老大会大厦 + 嘉年华会前夕

实习的第四天,我们到访了位于132 Sophia Road、总统府后门对街的长老大会大厦。大概是因为位置关系(总统府对街),大厦外的街道十分地宁静,对街那看不到尽头的围栏也让人感到肃然起敬。

(左起) 秀美、秀丽、姿伶、林立、蔡裕民、策义

陈清发牧师和Willy 传道也为我们讲解了新加坡长老大会的结构和行政政策、信仰、历史与及不同职位牧者(牧师、传道、长老与执事)的职务与角色,让我们能够更加了解自己的信仰。





(Photo Credit: 秀丽)